



112C. Chen, Disjoint topological transitivity for cosine operator functions on weighted Orlicz spaces, Topol. Appl. 335 (2023) Article No. 108563, 12 pages. ,(SCI)
112C. Chen, Topologically multiple recurrence and disjoint topological transitivity on Orlicz spaces, Iranian J. Science 47 (2023) pp951-959. ,(SCI)
112C. Chen and M. Kostic, Disjoint topological transitivity for weighted translations on Orlicz spaces, Filomat 37 (2023) pp349-361.,(SCI)
110C. Chen and L-L. Huang, Some new identities for the generalized Fibonacci polynomials by the Q(x) matrix, J. Math. Research 13 (2021) pp21-30.
110C. Chen, M. Kostic and D. Velinov, A note on recurrent strongly continuous semigroups of operators, Funct. Anal. Approx. Comput. 13 (2021) pp7-12.
110C. Chen, S. M. Tabatabaie and A. Mohammadi, Disjoint topological transitivity for weighted translations generated by group actions, Math. Slovaca 71 (2021) 1229-1240.,(SCI)
109C. Chen,Dynamics of weighted translations on Orlicz spaces, Collect. Math. 71 (2020) 173-187.,(SCI)
109C. Chen, S. M. Tabatabaie and A. Mohammadi, Chaotic cosine operator functions generated by group actions, Iranian J. Sci. Tech. Trans. A: Science 44 (2020) 465-472.,(SCI)
109C. Chen and S. M. Tabatabaie, Chaotic and hypercyclic operators on solid Banach function spaces, Probl. Anal. Issues Anal. 9 (2020) 83-98.
109C. Chen, S. Oztop and S. M. Tabatabaie, Disjoint dynamics on weighted Orlicz spaces, Complex Anal. Oper. Theory 14 (2020) Paper No. 72, 18 pages.,(SCI)
109C. Chen, S. M. Tabatabaie and A. Mohammadi, Dynamics of weighted translations generated by group actions, Filomat 34 (2020) 2131-2139.,(SCI)
108C. Chen and S. M. Tabatabaie,Topological transitivity for sequences of operators on the C*-algebra valued Lebesgue spaces, Iranian J. Sci. Tech. Trans. A: Science 43 (2019) 535-541.,(SCI)
108C. Chen, K-Y. Chen, S. Oztop and S. M. Tabatabaie,Chaotic translations on weighted Orlicz spaces, Ann. Polon. Math. 122 (2019) 129-142.,(SCI)
107 C. Chen, M. Kostic, S. Pilipovic and D. Velinov , D-Hypercyclic and D-chaotic properties of abstract differential equations of first order , Electronic J. Math. Anal. Appl. 6 (2018) 1-26.
107 C. Chen and W-S. Du , Some characterizations of disjoint topological transitivity on Orlicz spaces, J. Inequal. Appl. 2018 (2018) Article ID 88, 15 pages.,(SCI)
107 C. Chen and S. M. Tabatabaie , Chaotic operators on hypergroups , Oper. Matrices 12 (2018) 143-156 ,(SCI)
107 C. Chen, J. A. Conejero, M. Kostic and M. Murillo-Arcila , Dynamics on binary relations over topological spaces , Symmetry 10 (2018) Article ID 211, 12 pages ,(SCI)
106C. Chen , Disjoint topological transitivity for cosine operator functions on groups, Filomat 31 (2017) 2413-2423,(SCI)
106C. Chen , Disjoint hypercyclic weighted translations on groups, Banach J. Math. Anal. 11 (2017) 459-476, ,(SCI)
106 C. Chen, J. A. Conejero, M. Kostic and M. Murillo-Arcila , Dynamics of multivalued linear operators, Open Math. 15 (2017) 948-958 ,(SCI)
106 C. Chen , Disjoint hypercyclicity and weighted translations on discrete groups, Canadian Math. Bull. 60 (2017) 712-720 ,(SCI)
105 C. Chen , Recurrence for weighted translations on groups, Acta Math.Sci. 36B (2016) 443-452,(SCI)
105 C. Chen , Recurrence of cosine operator functions on groups, Canad. Math. Bull. 59 (2016) 693-704,(SCI)
104C. Chen , Topological transitivity for cosine operator functions on groups,Topology Appl. 191 (2015) 48-57,(SCI)
103C. Chen , Chaos for cosine operator functions on groups, Abstr. Appl. Anal., 2014 (2014), Article ID 603234, 7 pages. ,(SCI)
103C. Chen , Chaos for cosine operator functions generated by shifts, Int. J. Bifurcat. Chaos 24 (2014) Article ID 1450108, 7 pages,(SCI)
102S-J. Chang and C. Chen , Topological mixing for cosine operator functions generated by shifts, Topology Appl. 160 (2013) 382-384,(SCI)
102 C. Chen , Hypercyclic weighted translations generated by nontorsion elements, Arch. Math. 101 (2013) 135-141, ,(SCI)
101C. Chen , Supercyclic and Cesaro hypercyclic weighted translations on groups ,Taiwanese J. Math. 16 (2012), pp1815~1827,(SCI)
100C. Chen and C-H. Chu , Hypercyclic weighted translations on groups, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 139 (2011), pp2839~ 2846,(SCI)
100C. Chen , Chaotic weighted translations on groups, Arch. Math. 97 (2011), pp 61~ 68,(SCI)
98C. Chen and C-H. Chu , Hypercyclicity of weighted convolution operators on homogeneous spaces, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 137 (2009), pp 2709~ 271,(SCI)
97C. Chen and C-H. Chu , Spectrum of a homogeneous graph, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 347 (2008), pp 573~ 582,(SCI)
94C. Chen, C. K. Law and F. Y. Sing , Optimal lower estimates for eigenvalue ratios of Schrodinger operators and vibrating strings, Taiwanese J. Math. 9 (2005), pp 175~ 185,(SCI)
112C. Chen, Disjoint transitivity for translation operators on weighted Orlicz spaces, 2023 International Workshop on Operator Theory and its Applications, Helsinki, Finland ,2023-07-31-2023-08-04
110C. Chen, Disjoint dynamics on weighted Orlicz spaces, 2021 Taiwan Mathematical Society Annual Meeting, Taipei, Taiwan,2022-01-17-2022-01-18
108C. Chen, Chaotic translations on weighted Orlicz spaces, International Workshop on Harmonic Analysis and Operator Theory, Istanbul, Turkey ,2019-08-26-2019-08-29
108C. Chen, Chaotic translations on weighted Orlicz spaces, 2019 Taiwan Mathematical Society Annual Meeting, Taichung, Taiwan,2019-12-07-2019-12-08
108C. Chen, Disjoint topological transitivity on Orlicz spaces, International Conference on Differential, Difference Equations and Applications, Lisbon, Portugal ,2019-07-01-2019-07-05
107 C. Chen, Hypercyclicity and linear chaos , Workshop on Linear Dynamical Systems and Applications, Qom, Iran,2018-01-28-2018-01-28
107 C. Chen, Disjoint hypercyclic operators on groups , The International Conferences on Function Spaces XII, Krakow, Poland,2018-07-09-2018-07-14
106C. Chen, Topological dynamics on linear operators,MSJ Spring Meeting, Tokyo, Japan,2017-03-24-2017-03-27
106C. Chen, Recurrence for weighted translations on groups,Banach Spaces and Operator Theory with Applications, Poznan, Poland,2017-07-03-2017-07-07
106C. Chen, Disjoint hypercyclicity,2017 Taiwan Mathematical Society Annual Meeting, Chiayi, Taiwan,2017-12-09-2017-12-10
105C. Chen, Chaotic cosine operator functions on groups, The 26th Conference on Operator Theory, Timisoara, Romania ,2016-06-27-2016-07-02
104C. Chen, Chaos on cosine operator functions,2015 Taiwan Mathematical Society Annual Meeting, Kaohsiung, Taiwan ,2015-12-19-2015-12-20
103C. Chen, Chaotic convolution operators on locally compact groups, 2014 International Conference on Topology and its Application, Nafpaktos, Greece,2014-07-03-2014-07-07
103C. Chen, Dynamics of cosine operator functions on groups, Jordan Geometric Analysis and Applications, London, UK,2014-09-03-2014-09-05
102S-J. Chang and C. Chen, Linear chaos for weighted translation operators on groups, International Conference on Mathematical Sciences and Statistics, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia,2013-02-05-2013-02-07
102C. Chen, Chaotic weighted shifts ,The Asian Mathematical Conference 2013, Busan, Korea ,2013-06-30-2013-07-04
101C. Chen, Hypercyclic operators and linear chaos, International Conference on Jordan Theory, Analysis and Related Topics, Hong Kong,2012-04-30-2012-05-04
101C. Chen, Hypercyclic convolution operators on locally compact groups, The 24th International Conference on Operator Theory, Timisoara, Romania ,2012-07-02-2012-07-07
100C. Chen, Hypercyclicity of weighted convolution operators on homogeneous spaces, 2011 Taiwan Mathematical Society Annual Meeting, Taiwan ,2011-12-09-2011-12-11
99C. Chen, Spectrum of a homogeneous graph , 2010 Taiwan Mathematical Society Annual Meeting, Taiwan ,2010-12-10-2010-12-12
2024 學術演講 (workshop) Recurrent operators on Orlicz spaces Workshop on Matrix, Operator and Quantun Information, 國立中興大學數學系, Taiwan2024-01-11~2024-01-11
2022 學術演講(online) Linear chaos on weighted Orlicz spaces School of Mathematical Sciences, Nankai University, China2022-06-23~0000-00-00
2020學術演講 Linear dynamics on weighted Orlicz spaces 清華大學計算與建模科學研究所, Taiwan2020-06-09~0000-00-00
2017學術演講(workshop) Disjoint hypercyclic operators 高雄師範大學數學系, Taiwan2017-10-26~0000-00-00
2016 學術演講 Chaotic cosine operator functions on groups 清華大學數學系, Taiwan2016-04-18~0000-00-00
2016 學術演講 Devaney chaos on linear operators 清華大學計算與建模科學研究所, Taiwan2016-11-16~0000-00-00
2016 學術演講 Chaos of a sequence of operators on groups中央研究院數學所, Taiwan 2016-03-25~0000-00-00
2016學術演講(workshop) Dynamics on linear operators 高雄師範大學數學系, Taiwan2016-11-28~2016-11-29
2013 學術演講 Dynamics of convolution operators on groups 東華大學應用數學系, Taiwan2013-03-15~0000-00-00
2013 學術演講 Linear chaos for weighted shifts 台南大學應用數學系, Taiwan2013-10-16~0000-00-00
2013 學術演講(workshop) The orbit of convolution operators 新竹教育大學應用數學系, Taiwan2013-11-29~0000-00-00
2012學術演講Chaotic translation operators in discrete dynamical systems中央研究院數學所, Taiwan2012-06-15~0000-00-00
2012學術演講 Translations making chaos 中央大學數學系, Taiwan2012-05-31~0000-00-00
2010學術演講 Convolution operators and Laplacian 中山大學應用數學系, Taiwan2010-05-20~0000-00-00