103 | 林翠貞、謝闓如,一位五年級學童分數加減法文字題解題表現之研究,2014年科技與數學教育國際學術研討會暨數學教學工作坊,2014-05-24-2014-05-25,(其他) |
103 | 謝闓如、陳彥廷,虛擬教具「代數天秤」之設計與使用,第一屆師資培育國際學術研討會,2013-11-29-2013-11-29 |
103 | 楊品柔、謝闓如,五年級學生利用括號與文字符號解未知數的空格與文字符號理解之研究,2013年科技與數學教育國際學術研討會暨數學教學工作坊論文集,2012-06-08-2012-06-09 |
103 | 劉夢舲、謝闓如,虛擬教具「代數天平」對於國中學生一元一次方程式學習成就影響的研究,2013數位學習國際研討會:21世紀學習科技趨勢,2013-05-17-2013-05-18,(其他) |
102 | Kai-ju Hsieh,Students’ performances on number sentences and word problems of the concept of equality: Investigation of Taiwanese 2nd, 3rd, and 4th graders,The 11th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education,2013-01-06-2013-01-09 |
102 | 呂易純、謝闓如,一位國小四年級學童的等號概念對乘法算式之研究,第四屆科技與數學教育學術研討會,2012-10-20-2012-10-20 |
101 | 謝闓如、陳彥廷,中小學教師實施資訊融入數學科教學之現況分析,2012 精緻師資培育機制實驗計畫成果發表暨研討會,2012-05-18,(其他) |
101 | Su-Wei Lin, Kai-ju Hsieh, Tai-Yih Tso, Pi-Hsia Hung,Opportunities to learn: reflection on Taiwanese students’ results of international assessment,The 36th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education,2012-07-18-2012-07-22 |
101 | Wu, T., & Hsieh, K. ,Preservice teachers’ understanding of teaching decimal division,Hawaii International Conference on Education,2012-01-05-2012-01-08,(其他) |
101 | Hsieh, Kai-ju; Wang, Li-Chuen ,Equal Signs in Taiwanese Elementary Mathematics Textbooks ,36th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education,2012-07-18-2012-07-22,(其他) |
100 | 謝闓如、楊晉民、林原宏,數學學習科技與教師專業能力之探討,2011 年教師教育發展趨勢國際學術研討會 ,2011-04-15-2011-04-15,(其他) |
100 | 蔡佩珊、謝闓如,一位五年級小朋友異分母分數加減法之研究,2011第三屆科技與數學教育學術研討會,2011-04-30-2011-05-01,(其他) |
100 | 吳亭頤、謝闓如,師資培育生之小數除法概念及其相關教學知識的現況探究,2011第三屆科技與數學教育學術研討會,2011-04-30-2011-05-01,(其他) |
100 | Hsieh, Kai-ju,Third graders’ performances on number sentences and word problems of the concept equality.,35th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education,2011-07-10-2011-07-15,(其他) |
99 | Hsieh, Kai-ju ,An interview investigation on 3rd graders’ concepts of the equal signs in Taiwan,34th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education,2010-07-18-2010-07-23 |
99 | 楊絮媛、謝闓如,國小三年級學童的等號概念對加減計算題與加減文字題的表現差異之研究,2010第二屆科技與數學教育學術研討會,2010-00-00-2010-00-00,(其他) |
97 | Huang, S., & Hsieh, K.,A study of first graders' performances on one-step addition and subtraction word problems,32nd Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education,2008-07-17-2008-07-21,(其他) |
96 | Wu, D., Ma, H., Hsieh, K., & Li, Y.,A study of the concept of solid geometry of elementary students from the 4th grades to 6th grades in the central region of Taiwan,31st Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education,2007-07-08-2007-07-13,(其他) |
95 | 謝闓如,從數學科題庫建置看師資培育生的教學知識與合作行為能力,數學考卷編製暨評析研討會論文集暨會議實務彙編(412-429頁),2006-05-00,(其他) |